Wellness Package
4 Acute Hybrid sessions - $500
30-min tune-up sessions for functionality maintenance & pain management. Great option for athletes & active adults. Visits can be scheduled as recommended or as needed (they never expire).
*Primarily Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment (OMT) with some Neural Therapy (1-3 sites).
When prepaying for this package, visits come out to $125 each.
(Regular single Acute Hybrid visit = $200)
Osteopathic Package
5 OMT sessions - $750
60-min sessions for those seeking routine manual bodywork to alleviate pain & restore balance. Visits can be scheduled as recommended or as needed (they never expire).
*Primarily Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment (OMT) & other hands-on techniques.
When prepaying for this package, visits come out to $150 each.
(Regular single OMT visit = $200)
Chronic Package
3 Adult Hybrid sessions - $900
90-min sessions for complex/chronic cases seeking pain relief, increased functionality and trauma site clearing. Visits can be scheduled as recommended or as needed (they never expire).
*Primarily Neural Therapy & Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment (OMT).
When prepaying for this package, visits come out to $300 each.
(Regular single Adult Hybrid visit = $400)
Pediatric Package
4 Acute OMT sessions (ages 12 & under) - $360
30-min sessions for whole-body care & pain/symptom relief for children. Visits can be scheduled as recommended or as needed (they never expire).
*Primarily Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment (OMT) & other hands-on techniques.
When prepaying for this package, visits come out to $90 each.
(Regular single Acute OMT visit = $125)